Philosophy For Children P4C
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Diamond Nine – Part 1
Why should we not give up when we feel like we can't do something?
• Brainstorm by taking ideas and writing them on the board/flip chart. When the ideas have stopped flowing, go through each one in turn and ask, ' Is this one worth discussing in more detail?' Take votes for each and cross through those that get no votes. Discuss the remaining ideas in more detail and finally choose one by voting. (The ideas could be displayed- children could take one idea and make a sign to go up in the classroom).
• The ideas created in the activity above could be used to create a 'Diamond Nine' (make sure you have nine ideas that you have agreed on as a group). In smaller groups, write these ideas on cards and position them in a diamond shape - one card at the top, then two on the next level, three across the middle, two on the next and then one final one at the bottom, creating the shape of a diamond. The most important reason why we should not give up should be placed at the top of the diamond down through the levels in order to the bottom card which is the reason they think is least important. The levels where there is more than one card should be considered similar in terms of importance.
• This activity encourages children to reason their ideas as they should be asked to explain and justify the order of cards on which they have decided and in so doing delve deeply into thinking about the ideas and processes involved in learning and the reasons behind why an individual may give up on something. This would open-up an interesting discussion with children that you might not otherwise get to.
Diamond 9- Part 2
What feelings do you experience when you can't do something that make you want to give up?
• The children could also complete the Diamond 9 activity by thinking about the different feelings they experience when they can't do something. Nine ideas could be written onto cards. The children then order the cards with the one they think is the feeling that makes them want to give up the most at the top down to the one at the bottom that they think can be felt but is not so strong an influence to them giving up on something. The cards on the other levels, where there are more than one, are those that are similar in terms of how they make them feel about giving up or not.
• Both of the 'Diamond Nine' activities are about the thought process behind what feelings really affect them during the learning process and make them want to give up. Therefore, the discussion about why they positioned the ideas as they did is important. It is a vehicle for talking about how we feel when we can't do something. In deciding on the emotions they will use on the cards and agreeing on the order of the cards in the Diamond, they will begin to realise that everybody experiences these feelings during the learning process – they are not alone if and when they experience these emotions.