Linking accomplishment to feedback given and mistakes made.

Linking accomplishment to feedback given and mistakes made.

Children often don't naturally see how valuable feedback can be in relation to their learning. They want to produce what they 'need' to and do it in the way they would naturally do it. Any suggestion that they could do something else or something different to improve it, feels like a threat. However, we need children to see feedback for the valuable tool it is by changing the perception that many have of it; namely that it is something that exerts criticism on them and is an attack on their character. How can we do this? Tie moments of accomplishment to the feedback that helped get them there.

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Collaboration and Teamwork

Collaboration and Teamwork

‘We are better together’ This seems to be a fitting phrase, at the moment. Collaboration and teamwork are at work everywhere. It is inspiring to ob...

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Feedback & Criticism

Feedback & Criticism

In Mindset terms, Feedback is a mechanism which can either be taken as a personal attack (fixed Mindset) where defences would go up, others may be ...

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setbacks & solutions

Setbacks & Solutions

When an individual is in a Growth Mindset, they are wanting to grow themselves and make progress by taking on challenges- tasks that are a little o...

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As a good proportion of us will be at this time, I watch the news avidly to see what is going on. Sometimes I choose not to because of where I am a...

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Learning New Things

Learning New Things

I have been drawn back to a statement which was a statement by which I was going to try to live my life in 2020. 'Strive for progress over perfecti...

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KJ Walton

Introduction to Growth Mindset by KJ Walton

I’m KJ Walton founder of Growth Mindset by KJ Walton.

I’ve been working with Mindset principles for the last nine years and started my journey in schools as a teacher, surrounding children with messages and behaviours that all go to creating a culture where consideration of our Mindsets is forefront of everything that’s done day to day in the classroom & home. The messages of the philosophy are not just important for children but also adults who model to children through their own behaviour. Adults can, in turn, develop their own Mindsets which will enhance other areas of learning in their own lives.


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